Upcoming Shows
Tue, 03/05/2013 - 15:25 | by jenellis
I normally don't do a lot of shows this time of year, but I have been lucky enough to get into a bunch of fantastic local markets that I have applied for. The jewellery market in Vancouver is very very competitive so I am stoked to make the cut in the ever popular jewellery category!
Here is a list of a few upcoming markets:
Portobello West // March 23rd & 24th from 11am-5pm at the Creekside community centre
Got Craft? Spring Edition // www.gotcraft.com
April 27th & 28th 10am - 5pm
Spring Fling // www.greatcanadiancraft.com
May 11th - 10am-8pm
May 12th - 10am-5pm
Make It! The handmade revolution // www.makeitproductions.com
Friday April 19th - 4pm to 9pm
Saturday April 20th - 11am to 7pm
Sunday April 21st - 11am to 5pm